
iEducation Philippines

International Affairs Service | Commission on Higher Education


AIMS Network Strengthens Ties and Expertise at 2024 National Review Meeting

The 2024 AIMS National Review Meeting & IRO Seminar-Workshop, an annual event bringing together International Relations Officers (IROs) from universities in the AIMS program, was successfully held last June 25-28, 2024 at the Uno Business Hotel in Bukidnon.

Focusing on progress assessment, knowledge exchange, and capacity building, the event served as a vital platform for enhancing the program’s efficacy in facilitating student and faculty mobility across Southeast Asian member countries.

Strong Participation from Member Institutions

The event saw enthusiastic participation from ten member institutions:

  • Ateneo de Manila University
  • Batangas State University
  • Central Bicol State University of Agriculture
  • Central Luzon State University
  • Central Mindanao University  
  • Mapua University
  • University of Mindanao
  • University of Santo Tomas
  • University of St. La Salle
  • University of the Philippines

Looking Ahead

The 2024 AIMS National Review Meeting & IRO Seminar-Workshop underscored the commitment of participating universities to strengthen internationalization efforts and promote academic mobility in the Southeast Asian region. By fostering collaboration and providing valuable training, the event paves the way for continued success in achieving the program’s goals.